Soccer Club begins April 15th!
Open to all 5th through 8th grade students. All skill levels are welcome! Please see Coach Sanders for more details.

Happy Career Fair Day!
Thank you to all attendees for coming to present to our 5th through 8th graders!

Loaves & Fishes Food Distribution starts Thursday, April 11th from 4 pm - 6 pm for registered Fairmont families! Online registrations are still accepted, visit the Fairmont Community page on our website to find the registration link.

Friendly Reminder!
Our Sports Awards Banquet for students who participated in basketball, volleyball, and cheer/dance will be on Monday, April 8th at 5 pm!

Friendly Reminder!
April 9th will be Graduation picture day retakes!

Open Enrollment for our 2024-2025 Preschool Program begins April 8th!
Reach out to Mrs. Salgado with any questions.

Loaves & Fishes will be hosting a food distribution registration event today here at Fairmont School for our families still needing to register or pick up their food ID if an online registration was completed.

Happy Easter Fairmont Falcons!
Reminder that classes resume on Tuesday, April 2nd.

Thank you to Mr. Sanders and the Family and Community Engagement (F.A.C.E.) committee for our Student vs Staff Basketball Game yesterday!

Fairmont School District 89 will be hosting an Awards Assembly on Thursday, April 25. Save the date and we hope to see you there!

Save the date: Fairmont Formal!
Our 5th through 8th-grade students will be having Sneaker Ball on April 26th!
Permission forms will be sent home with the students today and are due back by April 19th. We hope to see you there!

The 2024-2025 Registration is coming soon!
April 8th - May 31st

Join us tonight for 8th-grade night for our boys' volleyball match. Doors open at 4:00 pm, we hope to see you there!

Spring Pictures will take place on Thursday, April 4th!
Picture orders may be made online through the HR Imaging website or upon receiving picture proofs a few days after our picture day.

Friendly Reminder!
We have an early release day on Friday, March 22nd at 1:45 pm to begin our Spring Break that will run from March 25th - April 1st.
Students and teachers will resume classes on Tuesday, April 2nd!

Thank you to all of our families who joined our BPAC (Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee) event last night! Our families enjoyed a presentation from psychologist Dr. Ferney Ramirez.

Fairmont Families, registration is open for Lockport Township High School's Fresh Start Program for incoming Freshmen. Fresh Start is a great opportunity for students as they transition from 8th grade to high school. We want our Fairmont class of 2024 to have a successful start on their new journey!
Space is limited. Only one Fresh Start session is offered and it will fill up quickly!

Thank you to LUCSC (Lewis University Community Schools Consortium) for setting up an opportunity for the Lewis University Monarch Winds to join some of our Music classes last week. They sounded amazing!

Chamber of Commerce Great Teacher Award Banquet. We are so proud of our award winner Mrs. Alma Farrell!

Cicero Family Service is presenting a free Zoom workshop on Promoting Healthy and Safe Communities: Secure Family Attachment. This workshop attendees will have the opportunity to reflect about how their own upbringing might be impacting the way they relate to their children and other important people in their life.