Family Health Fair

Summer Meals Information - Información sobre las comidas de verano

Summer Mentoring Program through the Fairmont Community Center
Programa de Mentoría de verano a través del Fairmont Community Center

PreK Field Trip to Brookfield Zoo

Fairmont Touch a Truck Event. A huge thank you to the following for making this event possible:
Lockport Fire Department,
Will County Sheriff's Department,
Lockport Park District,
Lewis University,
and Matt & Bob Thompson

Thank you to our Fairmont BPAC members for joining us for our last meeting this 2022-2023 school year. Also, thank you to Mrs. Diaz, Mrs. Farrell, and Ms. Lemus for planning our BPAC meetings and keeping or families engaged this year!

Will County Back To School Fair

Congratulations to Kerry Sanchez and Marcello Thomas on their Illinois Principal's Association Three Rivers Region Student Recognition Award presented at the Rialto Theater in Joliet this morning. #fairmontproud

Focusing on his work for the Fine Arts Showcase and Talent Show, Thursday, May 11, 2022 starting at 5:30 p.m. We hope to see you there!

Math Night Fun!

Chamber of Commerce Great Teacher Award Banquet. We are so proud of our award winners!

Representing Fairmont at the ASCD Conference!

Congratulations former Falcon Morgan Turner on your 3rd place finish at IHSA Men's Wrestling. We are so proud of you! #onceafalconalwaysafalcon

Today is a great day to spread kindness! Thank you to our Social Work and Guidance Departments, and amazing Lewis University Interns for the Kindness Tree.

We get by with help setting up the book fair from our friends at Cross of Glory Lutheran Church. Thanks!

PreK 101st Day of School!

Thank you Marian Village for your generous donation to our library. Reading rocks!

100th Day of School!

United Way stopped by with hats, gloves, and stockings filled with holiday joy. Thank you!

Sock it to us! A great big thank you to Lisa Ashford and Resurrection Lutheran Church of Channahon for over 1300 pairs of Bomba Socks. Thank you for keeping our tootsies toasty!