Fairmont is fortunate to have 4 of the best Social Work interns from Lewis University. Thank you for sharing your talent with Fairmont!
about 3 years ago, Fairmont School
Lockport Junior Miss Softball Registration https://5il.co/1615g
about 3 years ago, Fairmont School
Community News
Fairmont Book Fair 2022!!
about 3 years ago, Fairmont School
Book Fair
Book Fair
Book Fair
Book Fair
Atención familias de Fairmont, La superintendente Dra. Diane Cepela se retira del Distrito Escolar 89 de Fairmont a partir del 30 de junio de 2022. La Junta de Educación de Fairmont busca su opinión en la selección de nuestro próximo superintendente. Por favor, siga el enlace a una encuesta para proporcionar información en su búsqueda https://forms.gle/1uAwmXJSjtFtcySS6
about 3 years ago, Fairmont School
Fairmont News
Attention Fairmont Families, Superintendent Dr. Diane Cepela is retiring from Fairmont School District 89 as of June 30, 2022. The Fairmont Board of Education seeks your input into the selection of our next superintendent. Please follow the link to a survey to provide input in their search https://forms.gle/5mGpZUMvR2k6jAxm6
about 3 years ago, Fairmont School
Fairmont News
Fairmont Community Center Talent Show
about 3 years ago, Fairmont School
Fairmont Community Center Talent Show
Fairmont Community Center Talent Show Spanish
over 3 years ago, Fairmont School
Providence Catholic
over 3 years ago, Fairmont School
Placement Exam
Why Providence
Winter Baseball Clinic
Visit with Santa
over 3 years ago, Fairmont School
Santa Visit
ISBE announces $38 million in funding for students experiencing housing insecurity. http://link.isbe.net/m/1/90208844/02-b21313-89bd30b802e842f39da7ec57838d4271/5/344/f05e0c87-4994-450d-833a-8dfe61ba783f
over 3 years ago, Fairmont School
STEAM Camp at Governors State University https://5il.co/11byc
over 3 years ago, Fairmont School
Community News
Trunk or Treat
over 3 years ago, Fairmont School
Trunk or Treat
Join us for our Red Ribbon Spirit Week next week October 25-28!
over 3 years ago, Zachary Snyder
Red Ribbon Week Spirit Week Calendar
Greater Joliet Area Restore, Reinvest, and Renew (R3) https://5il.co/10r6r (English) https://5il.co/10r6s (Spanish)
over 3 years ago, Fairmont School
Community News
Hallelujah Night at Cross Point Church
over 3 years ago, Fairmont School
Hallelujah Night
Let’s all nominate a teacher for the great Teacher Award! Staff, students and learning community can nominate a teacher for this award! https://5il.co/105nj
over 3 years ago, Fairmont School
Great Teacher
Fairmont Community Partnership Town Hall Meeting
over 3 years ago, Fairmont School
FCPGI Town Hall
FCPGI Town Hall
On October 2nd and 23rd, from 10AM-2PM Taft School will be holding a vaccine clinic. The clinic will be providing Pfizer vaccines and boosters free of charge. Please sign up using the QR code, walk-ins are also welcome.
over 3 years ago, Zachary Snyder
On October 2nd and October 23rd, from 10AM-2PM there will be a vaccine clinic at Taft School.  1605 S. Washington St. Lockport, IL 60441
We are grateful for the opportunity to SHIELD test our students today. It is our hope that this test will keep quarantine numbers down!
over 3 years ago, Fairmont School
Great night planning for our future. day 1 of Strategic Planning in the books.
over 3 years ago, Fairmont School