Rest in peace Mr. Vela. You were a Fairmont substitute, referee and superfan. We will miss you.

Water Department Refunds

We did it! Thank you Joliet Area Chanber of Commerce for naming Fairmont School District 89 Education Institution of the Year for 2020. We are proud of our school district!

Today we mourne the loss of one of our own. Mrs. Georgene Spoonhour, the wife of Board President Lou Spoonhour and a Falcon library reader, passed away Sunday, January 17. Due to COVID-19, services will be delayed until the spring. Rest peaceful lady. We will miss you.

Today we celebrate. Every day we act.

Reminder: Parent Transition Team meets via Zoom tonight, Monday, January 11, at 5:30. Your child's teacher has the Zoom link. See you tonight!

Fairmont School District 89 welcomes our students back to Remote Learning on Tuesday, January 5, 2021. Welcome back!

Wishing all our Fairmont Falcon Friends the happiest of a new year. Happy New Year. Feliz Ano Nuevo.

Next Parent Transition Team Meeting is Monday, January 11 at 5:30PM on Zoom. Watch for the Parent Survey coming out on Monday, January 4. We need your input!

Alternative Water Source Virtual Event

This has also been referred to as the return of the Star of David. Watch the skies tonight one hour after sunset as Saturn and Jupiter align for the first time at night in 800 years!

Look what Santa and his Elves dropped off at Fairmont for our good girls and boys.

Restoring glory to the Falcon Stage. #fairmontstrong #fairmontproud

Wishing our Fairmont Falcon Community a Happy and Joyous Thanksgiving. Enjoy your time off. We look forward to seeing you Monday.

It is getting cold outside and Fairmont wants to help. We have several coats, hats and gloves available for pickup at the micropantry. We also have personal items available. Stop by and help yourself if you need something.

Today is School Board Members Appreciation Day. Fairmont SD 89 has the finest Board of Education of them all! Thank you Fairmont Board of Education for your service to our community. #fairmontstrong

The IDPH recommends over the next three weeks to stay home as much as possible. Plan on leaving home for necessary / essential activities such as work that must be performed outside the home, visiting the pharmacy, and buying groceries. Stay safe. Stay #fairmontstrong.

Today we honor those who served. Thank you veterans.

Today we honor those who served. Thank you veterans.

A great big #fairmontstrong thank you to the Lockport Police Department and Lockport Walmart for donating so many school supplies for our students. Even in remote, we need supplies. We appreciate you!