We are looking for cafeteria help! The hours are from 7:00AM to 1:30PM. Visit the Fairmont website or call the district office for more details.

We celebrate six year Board of Education member Mr. Jerry Burns. He submitted his resignation at last night's Board meeting. Thank you for your service Mr. Burns.

Welcome back Falcons! School starts at 8:00AM. Remember we dismiss at 1:45 today. We have missed you!

A great big heartfelt thank you to the children who attended Vacation Bible School at Cross of Glory Lutheran Church in Homer Glen for your generous donation to our school. Fairmont Falcons so appreciate you!

It's almost here! School starts Wednesday, August 14, 2019 with breakfast at 8:00AM. We dismiss at 1:45 that first day. Fairmont Falcons - we can't wait to see you!

This last week of summer, our teachers learn!

A busy day at Sharefest! Thank you to all who participated.

Stay Fairmont Strong!

3 more days!

Happy Fourth Fairmont Families

Save the date!

Collaboration meeting with Lewis @Lewisuniversity and the YMCA @smithymca. Building great opportunities for our students.

Summer is almost here. Read, read, read!

State art participants. Fairmont has 2 artist selected to represent Illinois. Congratulations to all!

Congratulations to the preschool students crossing over to Kindergarten this morning. We look forward to seeing you in the fall.

Graduation 2019 in the books. We are so proud of you.

The stage is set. 8th Grade Graduation is tonight! Thursday, May 23, 2019 at 6:00.

Planting our garden today with @Lewisuniversity

8th Grade Leadership celebrates the year and shares their resumes with Mr. Michael Parker from Give Something Back. Thank you for all your support - and pizza too!

Do you want to know more about the YMCA Summer Camp? There will be a short informational meeting on Thursday, May 16 at 5:00 in the Fairmont Cafeteria. Join us!